Sunday Groups
Sunday Morning Book Discussion
This group meets every Sunday from 9 am to 10 am via zoom. Newcomers are always welcome.
Contact: Mary Galligan
Current book: The Invention of Yesterday: A 50,000 Year History of Human Culture by Tamim Ansary
From the author’s website:
The Invention of Yesterday is a global history of the human journey from the Stone Age to the Virtual Age. It proposes that “the history of the world” is a story we’re telling one another; and since there is no single circle of storytellers, there are many “world-histories”. This book looks at history as the drama of various great world-historical narratives forming, expanding, interacting, interweaving, and sometimes meshing to form bigger stories. In the end it asks: are all these intertwining narratives on their way to forming a single big story of our human journey on planet Earth? And if so what might that story be?Along the way, The Invention of Yesterday explores links and ripple effects that make up the fabric of history: Here we see how landscapes gave shape to cultures; how simple inventions such as stirrups and trousers affected the rise and fall of empires, how Prophet Mohammed’s teachings contributed to the voyages of Christopher Columbus, how the Mongol eruption of the 13th century improved the lot of peasants in England… and much more. Every history of the world is really somebody’s world-historical narrative.
The Invention of Yesterday is a world historical narrative in which that somebody is the global “we” emerging on the planet today.
Sunday Forum
The UUFT Sunday Forum occurs once per month, at 9:00 am, in Fahs Chapel. Each Forum is a presentation by a community member on a matter of Social Justice, Education and/or Politics. In addition to UUFT members and friends, their guests and interested community members are welcome to attend.
Fall 2024 Roster of Speakers:
September 8: Diana Carlin, to discuss her recent book about First Ladies
October 6: Bill Lucero, Ric Silber and more on Unitarian Universalists for Peace.
November 3: Anita Alexander, VP of Loud Light, on their efforts to increase voter turnout in Kansas for progressive causes.
December 1: Karen Hiller, City Councilperson & Topeka United activist, on Topeka United’s efforts to bring our community together and in particular the Mosaic Partners efforts.
Please join us at the UUFT! More details will be forthcoming closer to the dates.
For additional information or to join the UUFT Sunday Forum committee, please contact
Past speakers:
April 21, 2024: Wendy Guerra-Garcia & TaZaras Isom, Bilingual Outreach Coordinator & Community Engagement Manager, Topeka Habitat for Humanity
April 7, 2024: Carl Frazier, Executive Director, Topeka Center for Peace and Justice
March 3, 2024: Marge Ahrens, Community Organizer
February 4, 2024: Micah Kubic, Executive Director, Kansas ACLU
January 7, 2024: Andrew Howell, Election Commissioner, Shawnee County Election Commission
UU Women’s Group
The “new” women’s group will have a name soon! We will meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays this year, starting on January 12 @12:15 in the Youth House, ending @ 2:30. All UUFT women, non-binary, and female-identified folx are welcome. We are all about support, and Earth Centric, woman-honoring, Goddess-curious (as metaphor or divinity) discussion and ritual. For all paths from UU to pagan to atheism, and every woman in between. Bring a lunch on January 12 as we gather at 11:45; on the fourth Sunday, January 26, we enjoy the in-house potluck provided by the men’s group right after the Service. Questions? Email