Sunday Services begin at 10:30 am at 4775 SW 21st Street in Topeka, KS. We are currently without a minister, and our programs are lay-led.  We endeavor to present a variety of inspiring topics that illustrate or relate to our Eight Principles and our UU Values.  

Adults and children start together in Scanland Hall when the program begins at 10:30 am. Most children leave to attend Religious Exploration classes down the hall at 10:45 am after the Story For All Ages and are picked up at 11:45 am.   New children are welcome to join our Religious Exploration classes or to stay in Scanland Hall with the adults. Several times each year, we have a multigenerational service (MultiGen). These services are for all ages, and are designed to be fun and enlightening for everyone.

For infants and toddlers, we have a fully equipped nursery staffed with a paid and experienced attendant and at least one volunteer. You are welcome to make use of the nursery or to keep your infant or toddler with you in the service. The service is live streamed to the big monitor in the Gathering Space. Families are welcome to make use of that space as well.

We are grateful for the contributions of our Sunday morning AV Team: Dylan Cook, Mat Bordelon, and Jake Starr.

Our March theme is Trust.

March 2, 2025: Loneliness & Belonging with Dr. Jericho Hockett

Image by Boris Gonzalez from Pixabay

“…despite all of the progress we have made in how we talk about mental health, we are still ashamed of feeling lonely… Loneliness is different than isolation and solitude. Loneliness is a subjective feeling where the connections we need are greater than the connections we have.”  Former Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy [emphasis added]. 

No matter how short the time, regardless of how many supportive friends and family members we have, we can still feel lonely and should not be ashamed of that.   Dr. Jericho Hockett, Professor of Psychology at Washburn University, will explain more about loneliness, its relationship to belonging, and positive efforts to address loneliness.

Moderator: Mindy Baccus

March 9, 2025: Buddhist Perspectives on Faith: Trusting the Light Within

Join us for further exploration of our Soul Matters theme for March, trust. 

Moderator: Patricia Hildenbrand

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on unsplash



March 16, 2025: A’isha al-Ba’uniyya: Trust by Way of Sincerity 

A’isha al-Ba’uniyya is the second acknowledged female poet in the whole of the mystical Islamic tradition. She came from an eminent and scholarly family who served many sultans over several generations. The whole family had a long-standing connection to Sufis. A’isha was educated by her father alongside her five brothers and exceeded them. It is said that she had memorized the Qur’an by the age of eight and was already composing poetry as a little girl.

Presenter: Khalil Green
Moderator: Cynthia Maxwell

March 23, 2025: Accepting Disabilities and Moving On

Image by Elevate on unsplash

Almost forty years ago, Richie and I hired a close friend, an experienced house painter, to paint our house. Milo was painting the second story when a ladder slipped and he fell onto the ground. His back was broken and he became a paraplegic. Months later, as Milo adjusted to a changed life, he told us he had learned a new word to describe his friends and co-workers, TAB, which stood for temporarily able bodied.

A significant disability will become a reality for many of us, or a family member, and coping with that disability will become part of our new reality. Join Janine Silsby, Mindy Baccus and Bob McDaneld as we discuss how our own disabilities, and those of others, have changed our lives.

Moderator: Bob McDaneld

March 30, 2025: Trust or Lack Thereof

Image by Kadres from Pixabay


Exploring trust issues while in conflict. 

Coordinators: Rob Koch and Micah Forstein