Multigenerational services (Multi-gens) are led by the Director of Religious Exploration, and are for all members of the congregation to take part in. Classes are not held when we have Multi-gens, as they are planned with the children in mind, with extra songs and movement activities. The Nursery is always provided though. Children and Youth also take part in these services, and participate by reading poetry or other special readings, performing music or skits, lighting and extinguishing the Chalice, and helping in other ways depending on the service.

We generally offer 4 Sunday morning Multi-gens, and 1 evening Christmas Eve Multi-gen each year:

The Water Communion

In August, we have our Water Communion service. This service brings closure to our summer RE programming, and prepares the children and adults for heading back out into the world: to school, work, and wherever each person’s path takes them during the week.

This is a communion specific to Unitarian Universalists, and was created by 2 UU women in the 1980’s.

The Winter Holiday Service

Our Winter Holiday service is held in mid-December, and is focused on one or more of the winter holidays from around the world. These services generally have a lot of music and have parts for all children that are interested in participating!

The Christmas Eve Service

Our Christmas Eve Service combines the reading of the Christmas Story, a secular holiday Story For All Ages, lots of holiday caroling and musicians, ending with a White Elephant gift exchange and a cookie and cider reception!

RE Sunday and Flower Communion

The RE Sunday service and the Flower Communion have been combined the past 2 years, but might be separated into 2 distinct services in the future. RE Sunday is a service that celebrates the children and youth of the RE classes, recognizes and gives thanks to the teachers and volunteers, and also includes a Bridging Ceremony for graduating seniors.

The Flower Communion is a special service that celebrates the beauty of nature, friendship and family, coming together, and sharing with one another.

This is a communion specific to Unitarian Universalists, and was first created 100 years ago!

And one more special service.

This might be a special service for a holiday or holy day like Halloween or the Spring Equinox; a UU related service about the Chalice, our UU Principles or Sources; or on something that the RE has been working on, like a social justice or environmental project.


The Weekly RE Newsletter is sent out on Sunday afternoons, and details the events in the different classes that day, along with important information on upcoming gatherings and activities. It also offers extra activities and ideas to help continue religious exploration throughout the week, and discussion questions and prompts for families to expand on what was learned and explored in the classes that day.


Including The Impossible

Image by Tanya Webster chaliceday.org

Our Soul Matters theme for February is Inclusion, which is not merely about creating a seat at the table; it is about acknowledging and embracing all of humanity, including the aspects we find difficult, and uncomfortable. Maybe even impossible. So, how do we embrace the impossible?

The UUFT is a place for everyone! Right? We welcome our visitors, some of which become members, of different faiths and backgrounds. On any given Sunday you will find members offering a listening ear and deep conversation on a myriad of subjects including political, environmental, and sometimes even religion. When we based our UU faith on our Principles, we stated that “we believe that all people should be treated fairly and kindly (Principle 2)”, and that “we believe we should accept each other and keep on learning together (Principle 3)”. Our new and improved Value’s simply state that Love should be at the center of all that we do. Easy-peasy lemon squeezy, right?

I mean, it all looks so good on paper, but, are we indeed treating everyone fairly? Is everyone truly accepted? Are all religions accepted and given an equal seat at our table? We can sing songs about love, inclusion, and more all day, but are all of us actually living our Principles and Values, and practicing these concepts every single day in all aspects of our lives? Or is it just something that we sing about on Sunday?

The thing I love the most about Unitarian Universalism is that we all come from different backgrounds, and bring different dishes to our communal potluck table of religion and experience. While I might not take much from all of the dishes, I will always take the time to learn about and celebrate what is inside from the person that brought it.

I challenge you to a Side Quest this month! Don’t worry, it’s an easy one. Reflection!
Do you respond with love when confronted with anger? Do you attempt to see from another’s eyes? And then, do you attempt to understand? Do you go out of your way to make sure that all voices are heard, not just the ones you know believe as you do?

I have more questions than answers this month. Maybe we can find the answers together.

Upcoming Events!

2/2 RE Bake Sale
2/9 Community Night UUFT 6-8
2/16 Hugs and Quiches

Special Events in February!

The RE Bake Sale

–will be on the first Sunday of the month, on February 2nd , or Groundhog Day! Please bring baked items to the Gathering Space to benefit the RE children and youth. Funds from the Bake Sale will go to funding the RE!

Community Night

–will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month, or February 13th from 6-8 pm. Please come with an art or craft activity you are currently working on, or with a game you might like to share. I will also offer various art supplies and a few games. Community Night is a time for connecting with other like-minded individuals, with out any ulterior motive.

The Children and Youth

After the Time For All Ages in the sanctuary, the children parade out to their classes with their classroom leaders, following the weekly RE Lantern Carrier!

Nursery (Birth through Age 3)

Our nursery is staffed by our excellent Nursery Care Provider, Farai, along with one generous volunteer each week. Check out how Farai has rearranged the nursery to create age specific spaces, it looks very inviting!

Depending on the particular child, they might be ready to move up into the classrooms before they turn 4!

Lower Elementary (Age 4 through 2nd Grade)

Remington and a weekly volunteer will lead the children in lessons that mirror our main service, through the Soul Matters curriculum along with Spirit Play lessons, and is presented in a way that is similar to Spirit Play.

This class will spend a short period of time on the campfire carpet for their check in and lesson, and then will explore the Spirit Play centers focusing on the main idea from the morning’s lesson. February will focus on the theme of Inclusion, as well as Valentines Day.

Upper Elementary (3rd Grade through 6th Grade)

Bobbi and Richie will lead the class on a lesson mirroring the main service. Using the Soul Matters Curriculum as a guide, they will provide activities to help the class delve deeper into the theme of Inclusion.

Youth Group (7th Grade through High School)

The Youth Group is led by Kimmie and a weekly volunteer, and will compare and contrast different world religions through the themes of: Harvest, Divination, Ancestors/Death, Myths, Morality, Love and Family, Spring/Nature, Resurrection/Reincarnation, and Acts of Devotion. This thought provoking class will follow the wheel of the year. For February, the Youth will explore the theme of Love and Family, focusing on:
2/2 African Diaspora Religions
2/9 Love Deities
2/16 Marriage Traditions
2/23 Birth Traditions


RE Volunteers Needed!

We need volunteers. In order for the classes to be covered, I would like for each family to commit to helping out 4 times in a class this year. Just 4 times. Just 1/12 of the year. This does not need to be in your child’s class, but could be in an older or a younger classroom if you would prefer. If everyone does a small part, we can keep this program running strong! Look for the sign up sheet on the RE table. I will contact you a few days before your scheduled volunteer time to remind you.

If you are interested in helping out our Religious Exploration program, please contact DRE Erin erin.forstein@uuft.org for more information! You will be sent a link short online form to fill out for an easy background check, which is paid for out of the RE budget. I am still looking for 1 Classroom Lead for the next school year! The Upper Elementary class (grades 3-6) is in need of a regular and reliable classroom leader. This is a paid position.

The Bake Sale!

The RE Bake Sale will take place on Sunday, February 2nd. If you would like to help, please bring your baked goods to the Gathering Space at the UUFT. I will have a sign-up sheet for the older children (with their families) and the youth (with or without their families) so that they can choose the Sunday that works the best for them! Funds from the bake sale will go towards RE expenses, including some off site experiences!