Donate to UUFT
The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Topeka is funded solely by its members and friends through stewardship, endowments, and fundraisers such as our annual Service Auction.
Donation Form
Please select the type of donation that you would like to make from the drop down menu. Then type your First & Last Name and Additional Note as applicable.
For Celebrations of Life, please select Event and type the person’s name in the Additional Note field.
Pledges, Electronic Pledges or Reoccurring Payments
You may also write a check payable to UUFT and mail it to 4775 SW 21st Street, Topeka, KS 66604.
But you may also schedule a reoccurring payment via the PayPal form above. All credit and debit cards accepted and processed through PayPal. You may donate as a guest as well if you do not have a PayPal account.
We accept check and cash donations in our collection baskets during Sunday worship and during office hours.
To make an annual pledge, email or call the Office Administrator, at or 785-272-9233 and provide your full name and the amount you would like to pledge for the year.