A Fellowship of Seekers

Why do people seek a religious home? Perhaps we wish to define our place in the universe, find a purpose in life, have a sense of belonging, or a feeling that our life has meaning. We may be looking for guidance, a sense of clarity about what we value most, clear-headedness about priorities, or support in keeping our choices in line with our ethics. We may have a sense of religion-related injury that we seek to overcome. We may be looking for a solid anchor that will serve us when our lives become turbulent. Unitarian Universalism encourages religious exploration and self-discovery.
Unitarians are sometimes described by non-Unitarians as people “who can believe whatever they want to.” We tend to experience ourselves as people who cannot believe whatever we want to believe. We may have grown up in a religious tradition where we were told to believe things that our minds rejected. We may truly wish to believe some of the reassurances offered by traditional religion, but find that we simply cannot. |
We are not here to tell you what to think, but to walk with you on your journey, to celebrate with you, to mourn with you, to share with you, to seek with you.