Join a Committee
UUFT has a strong DIY tradition. Member volunteerism is literally our lifeblood, and a great way to knit relationships. We realize and respect that not all members and friends have energy or time to spare. For those who do, your efforts and your talents are more than welcome. Below are the main areas of volunteerism.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees oversees and directs all other committee work. Members of this committee are elected at the June Congregational Meeting. If you are interested in serving on the Board, you may contact a member of the Nominating Committee, which is selected at the December Congregational Meeting.
Pastoral Care
Chaired by: Walt Racker. Pastoral Care is the care we provide for each other. In times of illness, infirmity or other need, we are willing to step up and help. Pastoral Care is so important, it has a page of its own on this website.
Social Justice
Chaired by: Adam Montgomery. Social Justice is another strong tradition of the UUFT, and is another area that is so important it has its own page on the website. Members of the Social Justice Committee do such things as coordinate ongoing and recurring participation in community social justice organizations, manage grants from the UUFT Social Justice fund, and identify new areas of social justice participation. The Social Justice committee operates a Fair Trade store monthly, with proceeds funding the Social Justice Fund.
Buildings and Grounds
Chaired by: Joe Silsby. We hire folks to clean the building weekly, and we employ workers for the big and difficult maintenance jobs, but all other care and maintenance of our buildings and grounds are done by volunteers. Join the summer mowing crew, sign up to wash dishes after a big event, take part in a “work day.” There are many opportunities to rub shoulders with your fellow UU’s. See more on the Buildings and Grounds page.
Lifetime Religious Education Council
Chaired by: Bobbi Schaeffer. The LRE Council plans and develops programming for our children and youths, under the leadership of our Director of Religious Education, Erin Forstein. Volunteers are also needed to
- Teach/facilitate in the RE classrooms
- Mentor youth groups
- Assist in the nursery
- Teach OWL (Our Whole Lives human sexuality training)
For more information see our UUFT and Children and Children and Youth pages.
Program Council
Chaired by: Rob Koch. The Program Council develops and carries out Sunday morning services, under the direction of our Minister Rev. Shannon Gorres. In addition to long-term volunteers who serve as council members, short-term volunteers are needed to
- Provide music
- Moderate Sunday programs
- Speak on a topic or share life experiences at a Sunday service
- Read informative or inspirational text
Personnel Committee
Chaired by: Bill Griffiths. The Personnel Committee is responsible for making sure best practices are followed in such matters as hiring new employees, setting benefits, dealing with grievances, and terminating employees.
Governance Committee
Chaired by: Kent Foerster. The Governance Committee is responsible for nominating candidates for election to the Board, and for updating bylaws & policy and procedures as needed.
Finance Committee
Chaired by: Greg Monaco. The Finance Committee oversees pledge drive, resource development, and endowment fund.
Membership Committee
Chaired by: Vicki George and Jana Koch. The Membership Committee organizes Sunday morning welcoming of newcomers, keeps membership rolls current, holds orientation classes for new friends and members, and in general supports and encourages membership. Volunteers are needed to staff the committee and for
- Sunday morning hospitality teams–greeters and ushers are needed.
Tech Team
Chaired by: Valerie Eakes-Kann. The Tech Team provides Sunday morning audio-visual support and program archives, maintains the website and announcement displays on the big screen in the Gathering Space, oversees the maintenance of all UUFT electronic equipment including telephones and keyed door locks, maintains the UUFT computer network, purchases and allocates software as needed, and updates documentation and other records pertaining to electronic equipment and software.